Sunday, May 20, 2012

New Young Buck in Town

"You got something to say to be, boy, say it."

My teenaged father smoked on his pipe, oblivious to the problems of the world.

"No, nothing I haven't said already. This is just weird, is all. I mean, you're in a whole different body, for crying out loud. It's not like this isn't going to take some getting used to. You are asking me to tell people you are my son. You are the man that was responsible for bringing me into the world. You can't tell me this isn't weird."

"Son, I understand your concerns and believe me I've thought of everything you have. I will all work out. I paid this young buck fairly handsomely for this nice young body. And he is 1000 miles away from here, all cozy in old cabin. He'll be fine."

"He is a 17 year old boy with the body of a fifty five year old! You sucked decades off of his life!"

"And he also was the same one who shot people and dealt drugs and have you forgotten about how he held you up? Mugged you? Son, what I did may seem cruel but this young fella was headed towards life in prison. Me? I'm going to use these nice firm muscles and work for a living. Not that I have to with all the money I've saved, but hell, I could become a bodybuilder in no time with these genes, with this youth!"

"You're right...I guess. I just worry that he'll die in your body and feel guilty over it."

"Well if I decide he's truly changed then maybe I'll switch him using the talisman with some other horrible young man headed towards a life of crime. Until then, don't worry so much...bro."

"Trying to pick up the kids lingo these days?"

"Can't hurt. Young fillies like the kid lingo." Dad puffed on his pipe and tapped the remains of ash out the window.

"And nothing says young like pipe smoking."

We got out of the car to walk across the parking lot to the gas station.

"Come on, dad!" My father said laughing. "Let's go get me some new clothes. I feel like wearing some cool new threads my first week of school. Hey, do the kids still like buckskin?"

I sighed loudly. "I'll take you into town so we can go to the mall. Just follow the trail of Oxy pads and the wailings of  Justin Bieber and I'm sure you'll find something."

"You're pretty bitter towards the kids these days. Maybe you should go back to high school sometime," my dad said, smiling.

"Yeah, I'm bitter. I'm 35 and my dad is 18 years younger than me. You're half my age."

"Oh now, son. Don't be like that. As soon as it's feasible, we'll switch you with some young fella. Then you can be all young and full of cum like me."

"Thanks for sharing, dad."

"Seriously, it's like a fountain at night. I cum so much I could sell it on tap! Maybe I will. Ah, sonny boy, I can't wait to start hitting the gym. I have so much energy!"

"I'm glad one of us does. Come on, son! Let's go get you ready for school!" I said, as we walked inside the store.

"Thanks, dad!"

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